October is Augmentative and Alternative Awareness & Acceptance Month! On our Social Media pages, we have been posting the Who, What, Where, When, and How's of AAC. This is our "What." "What is AAC?" We all use AAC or alternative ways to communicate. Like this written Blog, I'm writing to share my message. Some people MUST use AAC to be understood when communicating. That may be through sign language, text to speech, Picture Exchange Communication systems, or Speech Generating Devices (SGD's). Alexicom Tech provides Speech Generating AAC apps so people can communicate and be understood. The user simply pushes a button and the voice output on the device "speaks." Sounds easy right? Depending on the user's language development, cognitive development, motor abilities, AND partner support, it can be more challenging than is sounds. BUT remember COMMUNICATION IS A HUMAN RIGHT! So, we ethically should be providing every person with a way to communicate and be understood. Stay tuned for our other questions answered about AAC.......